Thursday, October 22, 2009

We are THAT Family

I LOVE reading We Are THAT Family. I think we must be related somehow. Long lost cousins maybe? Because when she tells of the new great "adventure" in her family, I can clearly see it as something that could happen right here at Casa Chaos. In honor of her 2nd anniversary, Kristin has invited all bloggy moms to share their best THAT family stories, so here goes: our THAT family photo album:

Only THAT mom dyes her 4 year old's hair pink, and only THAT mom would have the one in a million child who's hair it won't wash out of. It took more than a year to grow it out.Only THAT family would take their son out to celebrate his recent release from 6 days in the hospital and come home with only the top half of his 2 front teeth. And only THAT family would give him these beauties to replace them.
Only a kid from THAT family would get kicked out of story time at the library because he refuses to acknowledge that his name can be spelled with lowercase letters.

--------------------------MAC!And only THAT MAC needs safety gear at the grocery store (and only THAT mom would let him).Only THAT MAC could knock himself silly brushing his teeth, and only THAT family would have to say "Don't eat the green snow!".And only THAT family can have a Nana that hangs out with them.....upside down.

And I didn't even mention Becky!

I believe that this short list not only puts us in THAT family tree, but reserves us our own branch!


missy said...

hangin' from the same tree with you! and wouldn't have it any other way!

Melis said...

Hahahhaha, I cracked up... we're sorta in THAT same tree... I think our branch might actually produce fruit... or... nuts! Har har har...

Anonymous said...

Found you over in the car seat forum on McMama. Sounds like being in THAT family is quite enjoyable! Going to check out the rest of your blog!

Rachel said...

Hilarious! I could relate to many of the THAT MAMMA jokes, but yours, well yours topped them all! Love the Hanging Nana and the endless pink hair