Monday, April 27, 2015


We went to see the movie



It was super cute,

and I loved the emphasis on

family and friendship.

I REALLY enjoyed the fact

that the main character was


It's amazing how rare that is,

and I never noticed before

Babycakes became my son.

It's very important to me that he see

kids like him in movies,

so we will be adding this one to our

personal library for sure.

Babycakes favorite part of the movie

was the bottomless popcorn.

That kid can eat a whole bag

by himself.

Not kidding!

On the way home, he wanted to carry

what popcorn he hadn't finished.

As I buckled him in,

I told him not to eat popcorn in the car,

because I didn't want the mess.

When we got home,

there he sat,chowing down!

I scolded him for eating it

and he replied:

"I just puttin' it in my mouf!".

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