The other day as we drove down the street, Mac asks me "Mom, what's that thing called...the green one on the front of a house?" When I asked for a few more clues, I got these: It looks like a leaf and you can't lick it. Ponder that for a while......
From those measly clues, I figured out what he was talking about. Can you guess what it was? I'm issuing a challenge, a big Mac challenge. If you can figure out that it was, I will tip over in utter amazement at your astounding thinking abilities. OK, lets be truthful, I will tip over that anyone could think like Mac and still be a functional citizen. Maybe I will even have a prize like the big blogs do! Oooo, a Big Mac prize! Let me check into that and get back to you....
Anyway, here are your clues: It's green, is on the front of a house, looks like a leaf, and you can't lick it.
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
7 months ago
Okay, Miss Beth, this is weird cuz it just showed up on my google reader, but on your blog it says November 11?? I'm giving you a guess, but I'm sure I'm not 100% right. I think it has to be something metal, like a doorknob..cuz if you lick it, your tongue will stick to it. But the leaf shaped thing has me puzzled...oh well, maybe this sleepless night, I'll think of it??
Well, OF COURSE, it has to be a fall flag on a flagpost in front of a house. It is a green leaf, with other color leaves appliqued on it. Wouldn't want to lick it. ;)
We do clues like this to tell Christmas gifts. Obvious once you know what it is, but impossible to find out until then. SOmetimes we buy these gifts in July just to have longer to torment the receivers...
Nana can' post, so I'm posting her guess.
Was it a wreath? Can't lick it?
Nope, none of those!
But I love the torture with the gift game!
I just read this to all of my kids and we're not coming up with much! We're dying to know what it is, though!!
Okay, give it up...what is it???
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