Sunday, March 23, 2014

Heading Out

I'm so relieved all the parties are done!

Now I can concentrate on packing

for Texas.

Texas seems to be a love/dread thing for me.

I am so glad that Babycakes can see his mama

and brothers,

and I really do want him to know them.

That said,

it's so hard to see the baby without reliving

all the drama.

And hard to see Mama E without wanting

to tell her some hard things.

We're capping this year's trip with a day

at the beach

to follow the chaos with something fun.

We're also bringing our whole crowd this time.

The kids have never seen the baby

that was almost their brother,

and I worry about Mimi especially,

since she's such a lover of babies.

I know she's going to hook right on

to that little guy.

 Mama E is already putting the pressure on for

me to return in the fall,

something I don't plan on doing.

I sure hope things go well,

easy, drama free, with no emotional storms!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Will be praying for you!