Thursday, November 10, 2011


It's been one of those days.  I'm feeling whiny, and crabby, you know, ick.

It's the one year anniversary of my friend's son's suicide, and I'm mourning for her, again.  Sadness.

I was supposed to cook dinner for another friend because she's recovering from surgery, and I took the cheater's way out and got them take out instead.  Guilt.

Then the green eyed monster reared it's ugly head when another friend got not one, but TWO new babies, while we sit here with none.  Jealousy.

So I did what any good mama does.

I ate my weight in fresh baked bread.

I know I'll regret it later, but for now, pass the butter!


asian~treasures said...

Hugs to you, my friend! Please, no guilt...the cheater's way tasted wonderful! : )

Waiting stinks...reliving sad events stinks...fresh baked bread, I'll share my butter!!

Katie said...

is sunday ladies' time? i think everyone needs it. BYOBB. (bring your own bread & butter)