Monday, December 20, 2010

Adoption Update

After waiting a week and a half in suspense, I sent off an e-mail to our adoption worker, who replied that Mama had picked another family last week, and they forgot to tell us. That doesn't really inspire a lot of confidence. 

The more I deal with this new agency, the more unhappy I get. We originally signed up with an agency that had a "hard to place" program.  They helped to match hard to place families, like ours, with hard to place babies.  Unfortunately, that agency didn't make it, due to finances, and had to close their doors.   Luckily, they found another agency that were willing to take all of their clients.  A few weeks ago we met with the new agency, who informed us that they don't believe in "hard to place" programs, and we would be thrown in with all their existing clients.  That's kind of bad news for us, because already having 4 kids, we are not an easy family to place.  So as we made the decision about whether we would stay there, or start looking around, we got a call asking us if we'd like to be considered for this latest baby, a chance we jumped at.  This would be our old agency's final client.  Now that chance is passed, and we're back to looking at all our options.  Do we stay where we're already fully invested, or abandon ship and start again?


missy said...

i am so sorry about this news. it seems so unprofessional for them not to tell you. i know it puts you in a hard place to decide what to do next. i am praying for god to give you the wisdom you need. and for him to lead you to your child.

RaD said...

Man, that kinda stinks. I agree with missy, that seems unprofessional of them not to tell you. If it were me I'd look into other agencies, but just don't forget to pray before making the final decision.

Katie said...

...and the journey continues. i know that this will all work out for you just the way it's supposed to, but for the sake of your sanity, i pray you're kept in the loop a bit better.

Bethany said...

I'm so sorry. I'll pray for wisdom as you make this decision!

Anonymous said...

I can really relate, we ended up in a similar situation. If you do decide you want to go elsewhere and want advice, I'll be happy to offer up some suggestions. (On the other hand, if you just want sympathy and prayers I will offer that too!) Best Wishes!