Friday, January 6, 2012

You Know You're the Mom...

You know you're the mom of a seven year old boy when......

You don't just say "Take a shower."  No, you must get specific.  VERY specific:
 "Go take a shower.  Use soap.  Wash your hair.  Use shampoo.  Rinse it off.  Dry off.  Use a towel. Yes, right now."

You have to specify that dirty clothes go IN the hamper, not next to it.

Polka dot socks, striped pants and a plaid shirt all "match" in the same outfit, because they all contain a shade of blue.  Any shade of blue.

For the question: "Did you hang up your coat?", Yes means it's laying on the floor next to the closet.

You've stopped telling him not to do flips off the couch, and now giving advice to perfect his form.


Unknown said...

That all sounds pretty familiar..... :)

Bethany said...

You are funny! Your son is lucky to have a mom like you who "gets" him.

Anne said...

I'm still doing that with my 14 year old. Drives me nuts!