Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Roller Coaster

I'm NOT a big fan of amusement park rides.  I hate that stomach-drop feeling, the slam from side to side, the wind in my face, the whole thing.  So when I say that this adoption thing is like being on a roller coaster, I don't mean that this is fun!

We finally heard from our new agency.  We were not chosen.  Again....sigh  After a good, ole fashioned cry, I spent the day feeling pretty lousy.  Sometimes I wonder what exactly the plan is, and when, exactly, I get to know what it is! 

Later, as I sat with my girls at our "girls night out" dinner, I checked my e-mail.  Another mama, another baby.  And they need a reply quick.

Do you hear that...tick....tick....tick?  That's the roller coaster cart going back up the hill!



Homegrown Tribe said...

ugggg.. I can hardly imagine the ups and downs you're going through! We're praying for your sweet family!!! Can't wait until you get 'the' call one day!


asian~treasures said...

Roller coasters of ANY kind are NOT fun!! We're continuing to pray...

I'm pretty sure our roller coasters are side-by-side...watch out, I may be sick.

missy said...

wow. keep that puke bucket close at hand. can't wait til you can get off the coaster, baby in your arms, and look back on the ride. praying...

Bethany said...

Looking forward to the day you hold that precious child in your arms. Friends of ours have been on the adoption journey a long time. It's rough watching from the sidelines. How are your kids doing with the ups and downs? Praying for you.