My kids are weird. Like really weird. While we do daily chores every morning, Saturday is our big house cleaning day. But, this week I took the kids to see a play on Saturday, so the big clean didn't get done. Instead, I've been doing a few every night, and just catching things up until we clean again on Saturday. So tonight as Mac finished up his bathtub chemistry class, I gave the toilet a quick scrub. After he got out, I started moping the kitchen.
So, can guess what the bugger did? He went and tattled on me. Yup, he told the kids I had scrubbed the toilet, and now I was "swabbing the deck" without them. Then he told me I was being selfish. For not sharing. You know, not sharing the toilet scrubbing and floor mopping.
Gosh I'm a meanie!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
5 months ago
Don't complain, what ever you do! :)
You are so lucky! :)
What did you feed them when they were young? I need to buy some of that ;)
You did what? How dare you!
I'm glad to hear that mine aren't the only wierdos. :) Mine LOVE to clean.
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