After we read the story, we decided to start our own little "Project Stanley". We printed up some little paper Stanleys, and then went searching for hosts. I asked some fellow mommy bloggers if they'd be interested in hosting, and to my surprise, we got a huge response! So, starting today, I'm going to begin to post our little Stanley's big adventure!
Stanley took his first trip to visit the Yarbrough Gang in Alabama, and it looks like he had a LOT of fun! He got to go with Rome and Cash while they visited the post office, went to church, pumped gas, bought tires and hung out with Georgia the dog. I must admit I'm a bit jealous that Stanley got to go somewhere where he could go outside with just a jacket and eat a picnic too, because we still have snow on the ground!! You can go visit the Yarbrough Gang too, at their blog here. Thanks for taking such good care of Stanley!
More travels with Stanley coming soon!
Really nice....Thanks For the post.....Good work...keep it up......please update on regular basis.
Yeah.....such a amazing is very interesting.
My son did this project a couple of years ago. He really enjoyed it. He mailed it to family in Missouri and Minnesota where they took photos with him.
So fun! Our Stanley arrived yesterday, and I had not told my boys ahead of time -- they were beyond delighted!
I showed them this post, and they are loving the adventures that Stanley's US brother is up to. They haven't shown me any photos of the Brazil Stanley yet, but I know he's had a boat ride in our pool....
Photos soon!
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