Monday, February 22, 2010

Muffin Tin Monday-Winter

I usually theme our muffin tins with Mac's school unit. but this week Princess wanted a turn.  I use a modified workbox system with her for school, and this week she learned about how snow is made, did some snow art and some writing about snow.  She REALLY wanted to do a snow muffin tin, so we did. 
I loved that she helped me  brainstorm what we could put in it, but all her ideas were sweets!  She wanted doughnuts, marshmallows, coco, powdered sugar, and snowman cookies.  We compromised with a few of my non sugar coated suggestions.

The snowflake tortillas were very fun to make
And the kids assembled the banana snowflakes  themselves:

And in the end we had:
Mashed potatoes
tortilla snowflakes
powdered doughnut holes
cracker with pretzel runner sleds
hot coco
banana pretzel snowflakes
 Here are some of the printables we used in Princess's workboxes this week:
ABC Teach
Making Learning Fun
Enchanted Learning


Anonymous said...

Your snow theme is great! The snowflakes are so neat!

w said...

oh the snowflake tortilla is awesome!

Mirjam said...

so creative!! I love the tortilla snowflake idea & the others!

sunnymum said...

Love the banana snowflakes. A great project! Thanks for sharing!

~LKB said...

Love your snow theme! Great job!

Michele said...

My daughter was looking at this with me and she thought the banana pretzel snowflake was cool. Creative tortilla too. I'll have to try that.