After seeing how easy they were to make here, The kids and I decided to make our own Lego jewelry. It was incredibly easy, and we made 6 in just a few minutes. Each kid picked their own color, and now we have a whole collection!
I glued a head on, thinking we could stick different bodies to it, but the kids think it's more fun to wear the disembodied head alone. We even made a Bionical one!
And do you see the little chocolate guy? One of the things in Mimi's birthday box, the one I forgot, was a Lego Popsicle maker, which we poured melted chocolate into. They came out incredibly cute, so I'm going to make up a batch for my home-school co-op class. They are truly Lego maniacs!
Anyone Else Need to Hear This?
6 months ago
Love this idea. My son is insanely wild about Legos. Our dog is even named Lego :)
cute idea!
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